About Us

politically conscious products from a political soap witch

Actias Luna Apothecary is run by a disabled creator in Pennsylvania. In 2000, when the earliest version of what would become the Apothecary started, there were no soaps readily available for fans of Type O Negative and Sepultura. The current Apothecary rose from the ashes of several craft fair stalls and Etsy shops dating back to 2010. And now in the era of Gaerea, Sleep Token, and Bloodywood, it's better and gayer than ever.

Everything is made by hand using sustainable, ethically sourced ingredients. These are products that were created by a bi goth for other goths, or anyone else who wants to explore the metal side of self-care.


Neta. Owner, maker, designer, curator.

Tweek: HR coordinator and QA Analyst.